Friday, July 15, 2011

Apple iPad Wi-Fi + 3G

Without a doubt, the whole world of IT and consumer electronics was taken by storm when Apple released its already super-famous iPad multimedia tablet back in late January. I mean, even before making its way onto the market, the device was regarded as some sort of “holy grail” of convergence technologies, being able to deliver a very large number of features and functions by taking the Cupertino-based company’s whole App-based ecosystem to a whole-new level.
Apple iPad

Naturally, after the first iPad models made their way into the eagerly waiting hands of consumers, things got even better for Apple, the hype around the device growing, despite of its inherent problems (most of which are related to the lack of support for Adobe’s Flash and the lower battery life). I mean, the thing really sold like hot cakes, whether we’re talking about the basic Wi-Fi or the more advanced Wi-Fi + 3G version.

And since we’re on this subject, we’ll have to mention that we were lucky enough to get our hands on the latter iPad flavor mentioned above only a couple of weeks after the tablet managed to finally make its way into stores, thus being able to see for ourselves whether there was really some substance to the iPad or we were talking just about fanboy-induced hype. The answer, as you’ll be able to see throughout our review, lays somewhere in the middle.

As you might expect, the experience delivered by the iPad Wi-Fi + 3G, which we’ll try to reproduce for you to the best of our abilities, will probably get a lot better in the future, as Apple unlocks further levels of functionality via firmware updates and more apps become available. In fact, as in the case of the iPhone, we’re pretty sure that the huge variety of applications, as well as the fast and easy access to multimedia content and the Internet are going to push even further the iPad’s popularity, perhaps trampling quite a lot of competitors in its path. Read more at


Without a doubt, the whole world of IT and consumer electronics was taken by storm when Apple released its already super-famous iPad multimedia tablet back in late January. I mean, even before making its way onto the market, the device was regarded as some sort of “holy grail” of convergence technol ...

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Canon Legria HF M36 Full HD Flash Camcorder

As you’ve been able to see up until now, we’ve managed to test quite a few products from Canon, but as far as Canon Legria camcorders are concerned, we’ve only gotten our hands on standard-definition (SD) models, which, despite providing some pretty OK overall features, can’t really be compared to a device being able to record Full HD, 1080p videos, for later enjoyment on a widescreen HDTV.

Canon Legria

And, in fact, this is exactly the type of product we got to test, namely Canon’s own Legria HF M36 flash camcorder, which was officially introduced back in early 2010 and arrived on the market a couple of months later.

After spending a fairly extensive amount of time with the two SD Canon  Canon Legria camcorders, we weren’t really expecting too much out of the HF M36, at least in terms of controls and Canon Legria connectivity options (not that there was any particularly wrong with either the FS22 or the FS307, but they’re a bit under the level of the Panasonic TM300, for example). Much to our surprise, Canon’s HD camcorder provided an extensive set of video recording features, impressive video recording capabilities, a plethora of connectivity options, as well as numerous other cool features we’ll explain along the way, as we explore this thing’s functionality. Read more at


As you’ve been able to see up until now, we’ve managed to test quite a few products from Canon, but as far as  Canon Legria  camcorders are concerned, we’ve only gotten our hands on standard-definition (SD) models, which, despite providing some pretty OK overall features, can’t really be compared to ...

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Asus-ROG G51J 3D Notebook

It’s now pretty Asus-ROG much undeniable that, at least on short and medium term, the future of entertainment (whether we’re talking here about video or gaming) is related to the concept of 3D. I mean, the whole Asus-ROG 3D fray exploded in 2010, with a very large number of manufacturers simply flooding the market with all sorts of products related to the field of 3D, whether we’re talking about displays Asus-ROG, Blu-ray players or cameras (mostly professional ones, though).


However, most of these solutions are what I’d Asus-ROG like to call “passive” ones Asus-ROG, meaning that they allow users to enjoy 3D content, without actually Asus-ROG getting involved in the whole process. And this is especially Asus-ROG visible in the field of gaming, where the Asus-ROG current-generation gaming consoles don’t really support 3D Asus-ROG gaming natively.

So, what is there to do if you’re an avid gamer  Asus-ROGwho wants to enjoy the latest titles in three glorious dimensions? Well, you could easily go for a PC solution powered by NVIDIA’s 3D Vision technology, but this is already “old news,” as it’s been around since last year. Asus-ROG Plus, this means you’re stuck to a desktop PC, which is not Asus-ROG particularly cool, is it now? Read more at


It’s now pretty  Asus-ROG  much undeniable that, at least on short and medium term, the future of entertainment (whether we’re talking here about video or gaming) is related to the concept of 3D. I mean, the whole  Asus-ROG  3D fray exploded in 2010, with a very large number of manufacturers simply ...

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Cisco Flip UltraHD Pocket Camcorder

Cisco Flip UltraHD Pocket Camcorder

The YouTube phenomenon has literally exploded over the past few years, and has actually led to the appearance of a whole new concept, that of “video social media”.Cisco Flip I mean, just about every major social networking service out there also has a video section, why the number of online Cisco Flip services dedicated solely to video sharing is also on the Cisco Flip rise.


Cisco Flip

However, in order to shoot videos for later uploading to Cisco Flip YouTube, users require Cisco Flip a camcorder they can easily carry around with them. Most Cisco Flip people use the video camera modules fitted onto their mobile Cisco Flip (or smart) phones for video recording on the go,  Cisco Flip but the quality of the resulting videos, despite seriously improving with each new phone generation, is  Cisco Flip still inferior to the one provided by a dedicated Cisco Flip device.


Cisco Flip

And this is exactly the type of gadget we’ve recently Cisco Flip had the chance of testing, namely the Flip UltraHD Cisco Flip pocket camcorder by Cisco, an ultra-portable video recording device that is in fact so easy to handle that just about anyone can do it. After all, how hard is Cisco Flip it to press a big, red button, placed Cisco Flip  in the middle of a device slightly larger than a Cisco Flip smartphone? Read more at


Cisco Flip UltraHD Pocket Camcorder The YouTube phenomenon has literally exploded over the past few years, and has actually led to the appearance of a whole new concept, that of “video social media”. Cisco Flip  I mean, just about every major social networking service out there also has a video sect ...

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Cisco Flip UltraHD Pocket Camcorder

Cisco Flip UltraHD Pocket Camcorder

The YouTube phenomenon has literally exploded over the past few years, and has actually led to the appearance of a whole new concept, that of “video social media”.Cisco Flip I mean, just about every major social networking service out there also has a video section, why the number of online Cisco Flip services dedicated solely to video sharing is also on the Cisco Flip rise.


Cisco Flip

However, in order to shoot videos for later uploading to Cisco Flip YouTube, users require Cisco Flip a camcorder they can easily carry around with them. Most Cisco Flip people use the video camera modules fitted onto their mobile Cisco Flip (or smart) phones for video recording on the go,  Cisco Flip but the quality of the resulting videos, despite seriously improving with each new phone generation, is  Cisco Flip still inferior to the one provided by a dedicated Cisco Flip device.


Cisco Flip

And this is exactly the type of gadget we’ve recently Cisco Flip had the chance of testing, namely the Flip UltraHD Cisco Flip pocket camcorder by Cisco, an ultra-portable video recording device that is in fact so easy to handle that just about anyone can do it. After all, how hard is Cisco Flip it to press a big, red button, placed Cisco Flip  in the middle of a device slightly larger than a Cisco Flip smartphone? Read more at


Cisco Flip UltraHD Pocket Camcorder The YouTube phenomenon has literally exploded over the past few years, and has actually led to the appearance of a whole new concept, that of “video social media”. Cisco Flip  I mean, just about every major social networking service out there also has a video sect ...

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Garmin Oregon 450t Rugged Handheld GPS Navigator

Rugged handheld GPS navigators should be one of the first items on any serious outdoors adventurer’s checklist, since these things can provide a host of interesting (and perhaps even life-saving) features, and the Garmin Oregon 450t that we’ve had the chance of testing quite thoroughly, is a very good example of what a such a device should be able to offer.

We’re pretty sure that just about every  Garmin Oregon 450t single one of you have heard about  Garmin Oregon 450t, since this company has quite a long history in the field of navigation and orientation devices.

 Garmin Oregon 450t

And although they do have quite an impressive lineup of GPS navigators designed specifically for in-car use, the truth of the matter is that  Garmin Oregon 450t offers numerous other products, targeting just about any  Garmin Oregon 450t type of environment you might be going through.Read more at


Rugged handheld GPS navigators should be one of the first items on any serious outdoors adventurer’s checklist, since these things can provide a host of interesting (and perhaps even life-saving) features, and the  Garmin Oregon 450t  that we’ve had the chance of testing quite thoroughly, is a very ...

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Asus ENGTS450 DirectCU

Asus ENGTS450 DirectCU

Quite some time has passed since Nvidia first introduced the Fermi architecture back in March, but it’s widespread adoption has been held back by the lack of more low-end solutions, most buyers being interested in midrange graphics cards that usually come with a much lower price tag.

The GTX 460 managed to get some of this market, but a much lower priced solution was needed in order to cater to those users that had even tighter budgets, so the GF106 graphics core was created.

Asus ENGTS450

This chip is what powers the GTS 450 in order to provide mainstream users with a DirectX 11 capable alternative to AMD HD 5770 and HD 5750 based solutions, Nvidia’s newest desktop graphics chip being priced at about $130, similarly to HD 5770 graphics solutions.

Since the HD 5770 and HD 5750 were the only DirectX 11 graphics cards available at this price point, the arrival of the GTS 450 comes as a much welcomed breath of fresh air for the customer, competition usually bringing much lower prices, AMD’s recent price drop for the HD 57xx series coming as a response to the GTS 450 launch. Read more at


Asus ENGTS450 DirectCU Quite some time has passed since Nvidia first introduced the Fermi architecture back in March, but it’s widespread adoption has been held back by the lack of more low-end solutions, most buyers being interested in midrange graphics cards that usually come with a much lower pri ...

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MacBook Air with Backlit Keyboard, 256GB SSD Coming Next Week – Report

The new MacBook Airs everyone is waiting to emerge are not coming this week, but the next, according to a person privy of Apple’s plans with the Macintosh lineup.

“The rumor sites are off by a week,” this insider said, according to All Things D.

The source confirmed that, although rumors of new MBAs arriving this week were false, the rest of the details pertaining to the hardware upgrade were accurate.

In other words, Apple’s new MacBook Airs are launching next week with new Sandy Bridge processors from Intel, support for the new high-speed Thunderbolt port (also from Intel), back list keyboards, and new storage configurations that start at 128GB (as opposed to the current minimum of 64GB) and 256GB of flash storage.


Pricing should remain in place, if not get dropped, as some rumors suggest.

That’s all from this source, but it appears that Apple is not stopping at the MacBook Air with this month’s Macintosh upgrade plans.

The company headquartered at 1 Infinite Loop, Cupertino, California is believed to plan the release of several new computers, including an upgraded White MacBook, new MacBook minis, and a new version of the MacBook with a rack-mountable form factor to replace the recently-discontinued Xserve.

All MacBook will come pre-installed with the latest MacBook iteration – OS X 10.7 Lion – that much we can be sure of. Read more…


The new  MacBook  Airs everyone is waiting to emerge are not coming this week, but the next, according to a person privy of Apple’s plans with the Macintosh lineup. “The rumor sites are off by a week,” this insider said, according to  All Things D . The source confirmed that, although rumors of new ...

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MacBook Air with Backlit Keyboard, 256GB SSD Coming Next Week – Report

The new MacBook Airs everyone is waiting to emerge are not coming this week, but the next, according to a person privy of Apple’s plans with the Macintosh lineup.

“The rumor sites are off by a week,” this insider said, according to All Things D.

The source confirmed that, although rumors of new MBAs arriving this week were false, the rest of the details pertaining to the hardware upgrade were accurate.

In other words, Apple’s new MacBook Airs are launching next week with new Sandy Bridge processors from Intel, support for the new high-speed Thunderbolt port (also from Intel), back list keyboards, and new storage configurations that start at 128GB (as opposed to the current minimum of 64GB) and 256GB of flash storage.


Pricing should remain in place, if not get dropped, as some rumors suggest.

That’s all from this source, but it appears that Apple is not stopping at the MacBook Air with this month’s Macintosh upgrade plans.

The company headquartered at 1 Infinite Loop, Cupertino, California is believed to plan the release of several new computers, including an upgraded White MacBook, new MacBook minis, and a new version of the MacBook with a rack-mountable form factor to replace the recently-discontinued Xserve.

All MacBook will come pre-installed with the latest MacBook iteration – OS X 10.7 Lion – that much we can be sure of. Read more…


The new  MacBook  Airs everyone is waiting to emerge are not coming this week, but the next, according to a person privy of Apple’s plans with the Macintosh lineup. “The rumor sites are off by a week,” this insider said, according to  All Things D . The source confirmed that, although rumors of new ...

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iPhone 5 Now in the Hands of Beta Testers, Sources Claim

Apple has reportedly dispatched prototype iPhone 5 units to various mobile operators that are soon to carry the smartphone. Tests include signal reception and connectivity tests, according to one source.

Aggregating a number of reports that mention the aforementioned ongoing activities, the IB Times seems to confirm that pretty much every major provider of cellular services in the world will be carrying Apple’s elusive new smartphone.

iPhone 5

These rigorous tests that are being carried out have been ongoing since July 6 at longtime Apple partner AT&T, while others (like Verizon and T-Mobile) are also actively testing the device, but it isn’t known for how long.

Sprint may finally get a taste of the iPhone 5 as well, the report notes. Read more at


Apple has reportedly dispatched prototype  iPhone 5  units to various mobile operators that are soon to carry the smartphone. Tests include signal reception and connectivity tests, according to one source. Aggregating a number of reports that mention the aforementioned ongoing activities,  the IB Ti ...

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Foursquare Updated on Series 40 Phones

A new version of foursquare is now available for download for Series 40 phones, with features that will provide users with an experience resembling the one available for the owners of smartphones.

The new flavor of the mobile software was packed with additional functionality, bringing it closer to what high-end phones can deliver, while also making foursquare available for more people than before.


Foursquare on Nokia is now an international and nearly-universal app, thanks to the latest upgrade. It allows users to check-in from almost anywhere from less expensive phones than has ever been possible before,” a recent post on Nokia Conversations reads.

The new application release takes advantage of Nokia Maps for showing users’ location, and delivers increased integration between services. Read more at


A new version of  foursquare  is now available for download for Series 40 phones, with features that will provide users with an experience resembling the one available for the owners of smartphones. The new flavor of the mobile software was packed with additional functionality, bringing it closer to ...

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Foursquare Updated on Series 40 Phones

A new version of foursquare is now available for download for Series 40 phones, with features that will provide users with an experience resembling the one available for the owners of smartphones.

The new flavor of the mobile software was packed with additional functionality, bringing it closer to what high-end phones can deliver, while also making foursquare available for more people than before.


Foursquare on Nokia is now an international and nearly-universal app, thanks to the latest upgrade. It allows users to check-in from almost anywhere from less expensive phones than has ever been possible before,” a recent post on Nokia Conversations reads.

The new application release takes advantage of Nokia Maps for showing users’ location, and delivers increased integration between services. Read more at


A new version of  foursquare  is now available for download for Series 40 phones, with features that will provide users with an experience resembling the one available for the owners of smartphones. The new flavor of the mobile software was packed with additional functionality, bringing it closer to ...

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Zinio Android App Now Available on Froyo and Gingerbread Phones

Initially launched on Android 3.0 Honeycomb tablets, Zinio Android, one of the most popular universal newsstands, is now available for all current Zinio Android devices, including Froyo and Gingerbread smartphones.

Zinio Android

Along with the expansion to Froyo and Gingerbread devices, Zinio gives away to new Zinio Android users 12 current issues to popular magazine titles through August 15, including: Bike Magazine, BlackBook, ESPN The Magazine, House Beautiful, Juxtapoz Art & Culture Magazine,Maxim, Outdoor Photographer, Redbook, Robb Report, Seattle Met, SURFER Magazine and Wine Enthusiast.


Furthermore, T-Mobile subscribers who are new users of Zinio Android service will be allowed to select an additional 5 free titles from T-Mobile’s “Freemium” offering in the USA, which can be found inside the library of the Zinio Android app. Read more at


Initially launched on Android 3.0 Honeycomb tablets,  Zinio Android , one of the most popular universal newsstands, is now available for all current  Zinio Android  devices, including Froyo and Gingerbread smartphones. Along with the expansion to Froyo and Gingerbread devices, Zinio gives away to ne ...

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