Sunday, July 17, 2011

Samsung SGH-T369

Even if new smartphones are raining down every day for major carriers, the prepaid promote is one of the fastest-growing segments in the mobile handset industry, and figure phones like the Samsung SGH-T369 for T-Mobile make up the bulk. You could do a lot worse than the T369, too. It has a compact point and a well-built sliding means on the slide-out QWERTY upright. It also packs in more hardware goodies than the austere shape and stock black color would suggest. By this we mean the camcorder, the music player, and the microSD card slot, of way.

Yet, there are also some brow-slap point flaws. The shared Micro-USB charging port/earphone jack is a no-no in our book, and we’ve gone blue in the face stating our inclination for expandable memory slots to live anywhere but behind the back cover, where the T369′s microSD card slot is located.

Still, the $79.99 price tag isn’t terrible for all you get with this prepaid phone, and usability is excellent. In addendum, you get T-Mobile’s excellent-natured carousel interface and access to its open customer benefit.

“Bland” was the first word that came to mind when we laid eyes on the Samsung T369 for T-Mobile. The phone is matte black with rounded corners, with devious matte gray and hard gray accents. If you peer closely, you can see fine ridging on the black face. There’s also an understated point on the back cover. “Compact” was our following impression. Not that the slider phone is the most diminutive we’ve ever seen. In fact, at 4.5 inches tall by 2.1 inches wide by 0.6 inch thick, it has the exact same dimensions as Samsung’s Gravity family tree, and in fastidious the Gravity 2. Yet there’s a fastidious efficiency that the T369 conveys, with very modest atrophied space. There’s a 2-inch LCD sight that chains 240×320 pixel pledge and 262,000 sign. We had no problem with the brightness or color infiltration, even if we wouldn’t urge viewing it in supervise over sunlight if you’re outdoors and have the choice to step into the shade.



The Samsung T369 is simple in the palm and on the ear.


Below the cover is the steering array with the Talk and End buttons bookending two soft keys, a Clear button, a shortcut button that you can curriculum to one of four functions, and a central OK button that’s also surrounded by a four-directional control. The buttons are on the small side and a bit cramped; those with thicker fingertips may have a harder time building strict selections. Apply that sentiment of smallness to the numbered dialpad as well. The backlit keys are wide and narrow. While fully separated, we find them overly slim and sometimes trying to get nearly. Read more at


Even if new smartphones are raining down every day for major carriers, the prepaid promote is one of the fastest-growing segments in the mobile handset industry, and figure phones like the Samsung SGH- T369  for T-Mobile make up the bulk. You could do a lot worse than the  T369 , too. It has a compa ...

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